Monday, March 20, 2006

Stroke of Brilliance!

Before I write more, let me clarify one thing: I do know that there is a way to make a homemade cake without a box. (And I've even done it.)

But having French dressing without a bottle from the store? Now, that's a whole other story!

See, I've been craving a chicken, rice, pineapple, grape, and French dressing salad for quite some time. It's really good! But I haven't made it since I've been overseas because I can't find French dressing in this town o' Rotterdam.

But finally, I had my stroke of brilliance (perhaps the first one in a few months...) - I can MAKE French dressing from scratch! The web had a *few* recipes to choose from, and for one or two of them, I already had all the ingredients. One minor problem is that I really haven't any idea what French dressing tastes like. So, after mixing up the ingredients, I brought a spoonful over to taster-Dan and asked him, "What does this taste like?" His reply, "NOT French dressing." A few tablespoons of sugar later, we had something closer.

And the chicken, rice, pineappple, grape and French dressing salad is terrific.


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