Sunday, May 15, 2005

Dutch women are amazing!

Here is one VERY good reason I'll return to the States when we expand our family: Dutch women typically give birth in their homes, with the aid of a mid-wife and WITHOUT pain killers. And they are still having babies!

I've wondered how often problems arise with this method. Well, according to my experiences, it's 100% of the time! ( sample size isn't very big (n=1).) Our friends just had a's the short story:
1. About 10 a.m., friend feels labor beginning and calls husband to come home from work. Also calls mid-wife.
2. By 6 p.m. friend is progressing, but mid-wife figures it will be another 5-6 hours. Mid-wife leaves, and husband ALSO leaves to bring their daughter to another family. (A two-year in the home while a baby is born? Good idea to take her somewhere else!) Friend is alone.
3. While husband is away - only about 45 minutes - friend realizes the baby is coming. Soon! Our friend - in labor - prepares the mat and some other materials the hospital sent in the "home delivery kit". I guess she didn't want to make a mess! (She also climbed downstairs - and her stairs are some of the steepest I've seen here.)
4. Husband arrives home to a situation somewhat different than he was expecting.
5. Husband calls mid-wife, then realizes he sees the baby's head! Uh-oh.
6. Baby is delivered by her father. Baby is blue and not breathing, but he figures out how to get her to take a breath.
7. Mid-wife arrives soon after baby is born. Husband has to open the door to let her in. (She said he looked like he was from a scene in a horror movie.) A neighbor is also outside listening to the goings-on in the home. Mid-wife cuts the cord, and makes sure all is OK. It is.
8. Husband credits the Discovery Channel for teaching him how to deliver the baby.

P.S. Everybody is doing fine, and the baby is beautiful!


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