Friday, October 20, 2006


This zwangerschap is nearing its 42nd week. And from the looks of it, I'm not even close to it ending! I do get to find out more about Dutch healthcare today, however, as Dan and I are ferrying off to the hospital for tests to make sure the baby is OK.

Despite being nearly post-term, I'm still feeling well and the baby is still wiggling and fluttering and kicking and punching. The only concern at this point has been elevated blood pressure at last week's midwife visit. The midwife made a house call a couple days later to recheck, and it was back down. She also checked my urine and everything was fine - no pre-eclampsia. Yesterday's visit reconfirmed that I am fine as well. (I think my blood pressure was elevated because there were no less than 5 other zwanger women in the waiting room that day all talking amongst themselves, and I was trying so hard to understand the conversation. It had something to do with being zwanger.)

ANYWAY - I've grown accustomed to the "bring your own" procedures here. For example, every week, I bring my zwangerschapkaart to the midwife, she writes on it, and then hands it back to me. All my medical records in one nice little folder. The responsibility! I also have to bring my own weight. At the hospital today I will bring my own referral. However, yesterday, unknown to me, but because of my elevated blood pressure the week before, I was supposed to bring my own urine. I did, actually, it just wasn't in a cup yet, like she had expected it to be.


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