Wednesday, August 17, 2005

And I never got to say goodbye...

Yesterday, in an attempt to restock our kitchen cupboards, I made my way to the grocery store. From a previous post, you may remember my hate-hate relationship with the grocery store in my neighborhood. I was dreading it.

So there I am, riding along Oude Dijk looking for the sign - 2 big red conjoined hearts and the words "Den Toom" inside of them. The sign was nowhere. Nowhere. I nearly rode past the entrance.

But when I found the entrance, I saw it. Den Toom is gone. Replaced by Albert Heijn. A big blue and white sign. No hearts. I felt like riding into the parking lot singing, "Aahh-le-luia." But that would be overly dramatic.

Even better, they've remodeled! Gone are the super skinny, super short checkout counters. The aisles are wide. The selection is organized. It's a beautiful thing. I still have to pack my own bags and lug the groceries the same distance and up the same number of stairs, but hopefully I won't break a sweat just doing the shopping anymore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, well! It seems like I started to tell you to slow down about 13 years ago! Everyone's luck runs out eventually!
I'll try to save up enough money over the next few months to help with the costs! What is a Euro again? Is one Euro about 25 cents?

8/20/2005 5:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Beth,

As I googled 'Jericholaan' with the purpose of adding some news to the newsletter I am preparing for the Vereniging Jericholaan, I came across your very amusing weblogg. the Jericholaan Brownies's like the title of a novel.
Your neighbour on Jericholaan 101

12/01/2005 2:26 PM  

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