Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Results

Well, we have our Little One! I know now that Dutch healthcare is very good, though in many ways very different than healthcare in the States. That’s for another post, however.

Here are the results from my predictions.
1. Boy/girl? I predicted LO would be a boy, but we have a little girl. Rebecca Lenore is precious, and it took less than a second to fall deeply in love with her.
2. Arrival date? I predicted Rebecca would be born by October 19. But her birthday is October 24.
3. Shoe size? Big was my prediction. She certainly uses her legs and feet, and I think she has big feet…for a newborn!
4. Overall size? I thought she would be big, thankfully my prediction of 16 pounds 9 ounces was wrong, however! (ha!) Rebecca was a very good-sized baby, weighing in at 3910 grams, or 8 pounds 9 ounces.
5. Labor and delivery time? I was planning for a 4-hour labor and delivery, then asked for a 14-hour one. Contractions that actually progressed somewhere started Tuesday morning at 1 a.m., and Rebecca was born at 3:30 p.m. That makes for a 14 ½ hour labor and delivery.

I give myself ½ point for the shoe size (it’s rather objective) and ½ point for the labor and delivery time. 1 out of 5 – hm. I hope I learn Rebecca a little better!


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