Sunday, April 22, 2007

De Pont

Or is it het pont? I'm not sure.

Anyway, we live on the other side of the river. The most direct way to get from our village to the other side of the river is to use a pont! I love using the pont, despite occassional motion sickness if I'm blocked in by other cars and can't see the water. Of course, it helps that I get to see one of the best roadsigns ever every time we use it.

Imagine doing this in America: turning off your motor and your lights while you wait the 5 minutes for the pont, even in the cold or hot or night.

The excitement builds as the pont makes its way across the river!

And when it crashes into the riverbank (or is it river bank?) the motors turn on and the bicyclers get ready to GO!

And then the next load gets on and enjoys views like this during the crossing.

It's also so easy to appreciate how the Dutch appreciate being outside when you see them outside of their cars, walking down to the river edge as they wait for the pont to come or how they leave their cars to enjoy the sun as they are crossing on a nice day.


Blogger Shannon said...

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4/23/2007 5:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, that sounds idyllic. I loved riding the ferry across San Francisco Bay from SF to Sausalito, the month I was out there doing research. But what is the "pont," exactly? Is it a free-floating boat? A boat-like thing on a cable from shore to shore?

That sign is priceless.

4/23/2007 5:24 AM  

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