Monday, March 26, 2007

Springing Forward

Three related thoughts:

1. This weekend we sprung forward to Summer Time, so now I don't have to think too hard about how many hours behind people in the States are. It's back to normal.

2. Summer Time also means that it is nice and light much longer, which makes me happy. The gloomy days of February are long, long over...

3. Doesn't "Summer Time" make much better sense than "Daylight Savings Time", as Summer Time is known in the States?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but we saved so much energy, it's just insane! I mean, we can eat the energy we saved! Wash in it! Trade it with each other for sticks of gum!

"Summer time" is by far the better name, all right, but the actual name of the U.S. institution is "daylight saving time" (no S in "saving"), which makes it a little bit more comprehensible: saving an hour of daylight by shifting it from the morning (before most people are up) to the evening (when you can use it).

3/27/2007 5:35 AM  

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