Thursday, May 24, 2007

I Need Another Name

That does it. The decision is made. I need another name. Not a different name, but another name. My three names don’t look important enough anymore. Dutch people have such impressive looking names: D.S.G. Hendriks and L.W.M. van Nieuwenhoven, for example. Those two names, by the way, are the reason I made this decision. We got two letters yesterday, one from each of these people, and when I thought about replying to them and signing the letter with my measly little initials of B.L., I just don’t measure up.

You see, we don’t use our real first, second, third, fourth, and fifth names here. (Yep, this week, I saw a name with 5 initials.) We just use the initials for anything except the last name. Surname, that is. So, of course, it makes sense to have lots of names before the surname. That way you can make a name out of your initials.

So, what should my next name be? Should it go after the “L”? Or should it be Isabelle, placed before the “L”, so I can be known as B.I.L.? Or maybe B.E.L. would be better.


Blogger Christopher Tassava said...

I like E, but shouldn't you find a good Dutch name for it? A would be good, too - BAL Stafford. But why stop at just one more? Why not AI (BAIL Stafford) or EA (BEAL S.)?

Thing is, any name(s) you choose will probably get you on a no-fly list back here in the states.

5/24/2007 5:59 PM  

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