Saturday, November 11, 2006

A Glimpse of Myself

My mom was here for 2 weeks and 2 days to help with the baby. Oh! It was fun to see her get acclimated to the life that I’m getting acclimated to. Not being able to read, she jokingly asked what she was about to put into the dish she was making – it was cinnamon, not pepper. It brought me back to the day I bought that cinnamon, discerning it only by sniffing all the spices till I found cinnamon.

We – ok SHE – did a ton of laundry (babies and mothers right after giving birth are messy), and she couldn’t get over how long a load of laundry took and that’s WITH a dryer (2 hours to wash, 40 minutes to dry). That took me back to the American in Moldova who wanted to stick a load of laundry in our washer 30 minutes before he wanted to go to sleep. I laughed, and offered to do his laundry for him the next day. But despite the time it takes to do laundry, baby poop and other various stains come right out!

And then there is life without TV, life connected to life on the other side of the Atlantic only through a high-speed internet connection, life of walking, trains, and buses, life of stores closing at 5:30 or 6, and a life of admiring the quaint little village of Rhenen.


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