Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I'm a Little Teapot...

It is simply because children are living up to clothing manufacturers' expectations!

Check on these onesies - the top one is from Holland, the bottom one is from America. Both are for the same age. That's a lot of extra fabric for a 4 month old!
All together now: "I'm a little teapot, short and stout..."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dutch have planned fewer visits to the local fast food joints and a bit more biking!

3/11/2007 6:20 PM  
Blogger Christopher Tassava said...

That's very weird, especially because, aren't the Dutch the tallest people in Europe? You'd think they'd have bigger onesies for their -jes and -kes!

3/16/2007 3:41 AM  

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