Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Note to all ex-expats:
If missing your former overseas home and wondering how you will ever readjust to life in your native country, buy a house you absolutely adore and then move in. It will be all you think about for the next severals weeks, maybe even months. (In my case, it's been two days, but I'm projecting here...)

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Green America

I’m amazed, amazed! At how GREEN America is. No, the Holland fields, even in winter, are still much, much greener than American grass during the winter. It’s not green grass that makes America green, it’s a couple other things.

Green is the newest buzzword, I’ve concluded (yeah, it took me three months to determine this). What made me finally figure this out? No, it’s not the (pint-sized) cloth bags in Wal-Mart that they are selling to replace paper or plastic. No, it’s not the bijillion TV commercials imploring us to turn off our lights. No, it’s not the fact that my Federal Government Procurement newsletter today highlighted how to sell “green” to the government. This is what made me decide we’ve really become green: on HGTV (Home & Garden Television, for my lovely Dutch readers) they installed a DUAL-FLUSH toilet! These toilets are everywhere in Europe, and (for my lovely American readers) they let you flush a little for smaller jobs and flush a lot for…bigger ones. If the dual-flush toilet is on HGTV, certainly we Americans are coming of age and going green…in the environmental way.

How else are we green? Well, it’s all about money these days, isn’t it. Ay-o, the economy is on everybody’s mind. I was certainly not prepared for as much talk about money, gas prices, and the economy in general as there is. It’s strange, coming from a relative vacuum of information about such things to a bombardment of information. Even though I browsed the web enough in Holland, it’s not the same as being bombarding with it on the web, the newspapers, magazines, the TV, and conversations with friends and strangers – information overload!